East Coast Black Belt Academy

Traditional Kodokan Judo Program

Ages 14 & Up

Our Japanese Kodokan Judo Program is available exclusively to our teen and adult practitioners of Shorin Ryu Karate

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East Coast Black Belt Academy Judo Class

Judo - Meaning "Gentle Way"

Judo, meaning gentle way, is a martial art that aims at strengthening the student’s mind and body through its training methods. With its close-quarter techniques of gripping, seizing, throwing, and grappling, students will learn to use their opponent’s own strength and force against them.

While Judo is often practiced as a tournament sport, and elements of Judo have made their way into competitive grappling and mixed martial arts, our Judo Program is not taught for competition. We teach the traditional style of Kodokan Judo that was developed in Japan in 1882 by Kano Jigoro Shihan. Our Judo program is offered exclusively to our Shorin Ryu karate students to add an additional dimension to their martial arts training.

East Coast Black Belt Academy Judo Class
East Coast Black Belt Academy Judo Class

Judo is an Excellent Addition to a Complete Karate Program

Traditional Judo training is a remarkable journey that combines physical strength, mental agility, and emotional growth. The benefits of adding judo to karate truly exhilarating! Not only does judo provide an incredible total-body workout, increasing endurance, flexibility, and overall fitness, but it also enhances one's self-confidence and self-discipline. Through the practice of various grappling techniques and throws, judo teaches student to think strategically and make quick decisions in a dynamic environment. Moreover, judo instills valuable values such as respect for oneself and others, perseverance, humility, and determination. As students progress in their training, they develop heightened awareness of their bodies and minds. Judo fosters a sense of community and belonging among practitioners as they support each other's growth.

East Coast Black Belt Academy Judo Class

Traditional Judo offers Unseen benefits

Most people think martial arts are only about learning how to fight and defend oneself. However, the truth is that it’s so much more. It's about connecting to your inner strength and accomplishing goals you never thought you could. It's about connecting your body and mind and experiencing a feeling of strength that you might never have thought you had. You discover how to stay calm when everything around you is hectic and unstable. You develop the confidence to tackle any challenge and succeed because, through martial arts, you will see that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Our Members Love us - Their Words Not Ours:

What an amazing dojo with expert teachers knowledgeable in traditional martial arts like Shorin Ryu as well as Judo! The dojo is spacious and clean. It's a home away from home. Everyone is friendly and caring. One of the best dojos I know.

Badyr A.

This is a great martial arts school, with Sensei Jerry Figgiani leading and running great programs for kids and adults in both Judo and Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu.

A real family atmosphere!

Michael B.

Click here to read all our reviews
East Coast Black Belt Academy Judo Class

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